To insure your experience in renting from Toledo Tent is as pleasant as possible, we have compiled a list of items that will simplify your life and ours.
- Please be sure the area the tent or equipment is to be delivered is free and clear of impediments and ready for our delivery.
- Please be as flexible as possible on our delivery times. We will do everything possible to accommodate any time requests you may have. It is impossible for us to deliver our daily commitment of tents and equipment to everybody first thing in the morning.
- Please have your grass mowed, and all necessary yard work completed before the tent arrives. No one wants to pay additional charges for delaying our installation.
- Never underestimate your needs for electricity. DJ’s, coffee pots, tent lighting, fountains, etc . . . . all require power. One extension cord cannot carry all of the load.
- Remove all signs, attachments, tape, and decorations from the tent or rental item. Please do not use staples or nails in our wooden tables or poles as they cause painful injuries to the people who handle them.
- It is not uncommon for a tent to be removed at 8:00 a.m. the day after your party. Please have your tables and chairs stacked as they were left, and all your party items clear of the tent.
- Be patient. Weather dictates how quickly we can do our job. Do not hesitate to call our office if you have any questions or concerns.
- Permits need to be pulled by the customer. Feel free to call the office if you need help with who to contact.
- Be safe. Call OUPS 48 hours prior to the tent stakes going into the ground. Ohio 1-800-362-2764 Michigan 1-800-482-7171